Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

Check Out PayPerPost's Updates

If you're trying to be a paid blogger, you definitely should know aboutPayPerPost. They provide a system where bloggers earn money for writing paid posts. The subject of this post, however, is the update that PayPerPost just rolled out.

One new thing that intrigues me is the "review my post" program for affiliates. Bloggers can put a badge on every post that lets a reader sign up for PayPerPost and review the current post. When a reader does this, he earns $7.50. The cool part is that the referring blogger also earns $7.50.

Interestingly, PayPerPost also has upped the ante with their advertisers. A couple recent opportunities have offered as much as $150 for a post. Granted, this required a high Google PageRank (6+, I believe), but that is still neat.

All in all, PayPerPost seems to be shedding the stigma that they're just for two-bit bloggers. It will be interesting to see if they can gain some respect from top bloggers by taking these moves.

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